Today my first novel, Sara’s Search, starts a three-day free ebook promotion. I hope you will check it out here:
Since this is my first published novel, it has a special place in my heart. Here’s the description:
Sara Putnam has spent the last two years searching for her biological father, Howard. When she finds him murdered, she has even more questions. As she starts her own investigation, she meets Howard’s eccentric, co-inventor partner, his ex-wife and their son who calls his mother “the bank,” plus an assorted cast of suspects. She also has to deal with her adopted mother’s roadblocks, her crazy roommate’s problems, sexual harassment at work and her best friend’s strange illness. Sometimes quirky, sometimes serious, Sara’s Search, as one reviewer said, will keep you flipping those pages.
Check out the reviews, and remember, even if you don’t own a Kindle, you can get free Kindle apps for other ebook readers (including the Nook), your PC and laptop, your smart phone, and even to read in “the cloud.”
I hope you’ll grab a free copy of Sars’s Search while they’re available.
Now, you probably noticed the title of this post. Yes, there are more free books to be had today in the mystery genre. Go here for a list and the dates they are free–dates may not be the same as mine:
What a way to start the new year! You can load up on a bunch of free mysteries. Enjoy!
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