Just do these, and your life will be fantastic!
- Eat well, and if needed, figure out what you’re not getting from food and take supplements. And be sure to drink enough fluids.
- Exercise every day, at least by stretching. Twenty minutes is ideal, more if you need to lose weight.
- Have a plan. Then use it. Put the top three items you want to do at the top of your daily to-do list, and do them first.
- Spend time with your family and friends.
- Have a job you love. If you don’t love it, find one you will.
- Take breaks. Don’t work while eating meals, and if you’ve been sitting for an hour, stand up and move around for several minutes.
- Spend some time in nature.
- Laugh.
- Hug someone.
- Count your blessings every night before bed. And be sure to get enough sleep.
And always remember to say please and thank you 🙂
Oh, yes, you’re right, Carol. The first one should have been “Be kind, and always remember to say ‘please’ and ;thank you’.” I should have run this by you before I put it up.